Enable Num Lock on startup or reboot in Windows 11/10

Enable Num Lock on Startup

Here are three ways you can do it.

  • Disable Fast Startup to enable Num Lock
  • Enable Num Lock on startup using registry tweak
  • Run NumLock Script at Startup

You will need admin permission to execute the steps.

1] Disable Fast Startup to enable Num Lock

  • Press Win + X and click on Control Panel
  • Click on Power Plan
  • Now click on Choose what the power buttons do on the left side panel
Enable Num Lock on startup
  • Now select Change settings that are currently unavailable.
num lock not working on startup
  • Scroll down and uncheck Turn on fast Startup (recommended)

That’s it. Now after shutting down and reboot your NumLock should retain the last configuration.

2] Enable Num Lock on Startup using registry tweak

The second method is to alter the registry settings and so Windows 10/8/7 users can try this. I would strongly recommend taking a backup of the registry and create a system restore point first. Having done that, follow these steps:

  • Press Win + R and type in Regedit
  • Navigate to registry key HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard
  • Right-click on the “InitialKeyboardIndicators“, select Modify and change Value data to 2.
  • Exit Registry.

Note: If you see the default value data as 2147483648; that is fine too and is the default on most installations.

I hope you find this helpful. This post will help you if Number or Numeric Lock is not working at all!

TIP: You can easily enable, and disable Num Lock key on a Windows laptop using NumBlock

3] Run NumLock Script at Startup

  • Open Run prompt, and type Notepad, and press the Enter key
  • Copy and Paste the following in the notepad, and save it with a name you can remember with VBS extension. (e.g. enablenumlock.vbs)
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
  • Enable Numlock Script StartupYou can then add this Script to run with Startup using the Task Scheduler.
    • Open Search using Win + S, and type Task Scheduler and open it once it appears
    • Right-click on the Task Scheduler and create a Task
    • Under General tab: Set it to run with the highest privileges & Run only when the user is logged on
    • Under Actions: Click on new, and then add the Script
  • Done that save the task. As soon as you log in the next time, NumLock will automatically turn on.


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